Sunday, April 19, 2009

Family going Paleo!

I am happy to announce that my wife has been doing well on the Paleo Diet. In fact, I am surprised how strict she has been. she occasionaly allows herself to cheat with dessert and has been much stricter than I thought she would be. My sister has also began Paleo Eating.

This weekend I had a sit down with my parents and expressed my concerns about their diet and poor health. Both of my parents are overweight, and high blood pressure. In addition, my father has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. they both agreed to change their diets and eliminate grain, refined sugar, dairy and legumes form their diet. I gave my mother my copy of good calories bad calories in the hopes that it will motivate her further (as she is the cooke in the family). I alos offered to train them every sunday at my gym using the body by science principals.

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